

Fee’s can be paid per term via Bank Deposit at the commencement of the term. Any performer who’s payment has not been made prior to commencement of the term will not be allowed to participate in the class.

For any extenuating circumstances please contact the director in writing for a confidential conversation cassie@inmove.com.au

Costume Levy:

$30 charged at the end of Term 2 per class.

Private/Other Funding:

$28 per class

Charged per term at the beginning of term.

NDIS Fees:

NDIS Self Managed:  $28

Charged per term at the beginning of term.

NDIS Plan Managed: $30

Charged per at the beginning of term.


Persons paying privately may be eligible for a discount on term fees.


Any absence must be put in writing to InMove via admin@inmove.com.au at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the class.

Any notification within this time or failure to notify will incur a charge or the full fee or some part there of.

Cash refund’s will not be provided instead credit notes will be issued. For extenuating circumstances please contact admin@inmove.com.au to request a discussion with the Director.



InMove has a strict NO NUTS policy. Any nuts brought into any InMove event/class must be immediately disposed of. Please refrain from bringing food with nuts in to class/events.

Please alert all relevant person’s of any allergies and action plans in place. If performer is anaphylactic please provide Anaphylaxis Action plan from GP or Specialist.  

InMove is not responsible if any person neglects this policy which results in an allergic/anaphylactic reaction.



InMove is committed to a transparent and open exchange to ensure people with a Disability are always accessing quality and safe programs, should you require any advocacy in regards to InMove Performing Arts, please contact the Office of the Public Advocate on 1300 309 337 or visit their website www.publicadvocate.vic.gov.au.



In accordance with the Disability Act (2006), InMove is dedicated to ensuring that NO person with a disability is discriminated against or treated unfairly because of their disability.

As such any persons found to be discriminating against any other person, will be referred to the director and may face disciplinary action or be asked to leave the program.



InMove takes bullying extremely seriously and has a zero tolerance policy. If you or someone you know is experiencing bullying within InMove’s progam please contact the Director in wiritng cassie@inmove.com.au for a confidential discussion and meeting, which will result in an action plan of how best to address the situation.

Child Safety

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

InMove Performing Arts  is committed to safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. InMove Performing Arts has zero tolerance for child abuse. InMove Performing Arts is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability. Every person involved in InMove Performing Arts has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make



InMove is committed to growing, changing and improving as our knowledge increases. Any complaint, criticism or suggestions will be met with a positive response and as such please direct any complaints in writing to admin@inmove.com.au


Diversity and Inclusion

InMove has a deep commitment to promote and advance Inclusion and Diversity in its program’s and in the wider community. We expect all participants to act accordingly. Any member of the community of InMove seen/known to be acting against this will be dealt with accordingly.


Health and Behaviour Management Policy

If any performer/family member is unwell please do not come to class. It is important that we protect each other and those who are vulnerable by trying to reduce the spread of illness.

Any performer/family member who arrives to class unwell will be sent home.


InMove has a commitment to managing behavioural issues in performer’s and will work with the performer and their family/care giver’s to indiviualise the service to best suit.

InMove utilises a positive behavior support framework throughout its classes.

Any participant who is has extreme behavioural issues may be asked to have a carer accompany them to class, to ensure the safety of themselves and everyone else within the class. Please contact cassie@inmove.com.au to discuiss the options.

InMove is committed to trying by any means possible to have all persons interested participating in the programs, however in extenuating circumstances performer’s may be referred on to other programs, if deemed unsuitable to participate.


Service Access

      I.         InMove strives to promote the health, wellbeing and safety for all Participants receiving supports and services

     II.         Entry and access to services will be provided on the basis of relative need and availability of resources

   III.         InMove adopts a non- discriminatory access process that respects age, gender, race, religion, sexual preferences and disability consistent with human rights and other applicable legislation

   IV.         InMove acknowledges all people have the right to accurate, clear and transparent information about gaining access to and exiting InMove’s services to inform their decision making

    V.         Information is not limited to one mode or type and can be changes to suit individual needs and preferences (e.g. altered teaching styles; easy read using pictorial format)

   VI.         Services are provided in a flexible, responsive and individual centred way to meet everyone’s individual support needs and goals

 VII.         InMove staff will assess all participants requesting supports and services, and where limitations of resources, knowledge or skills exist, manage waiting lists for services according to the participant’s level of need.

VIII.         InMove acknowledges that each Participant has the right to refuse a service or to leave InMove at any time they choose.

   IX.         InMove further acknowledges that it may discontinue a service after consultation with the Participant, their family and other important members of their support network if the service is no longer sustainable or appropriate for the individual

    X.         InMove is committed to working with and referring to other community services or Service Providers to meet any unmet needs

   XI.         Exit procedures will be fair, transparent, follow due process and uphold the rights of the participants.

 XII.         Exit procedures will protect the safety and the integrity of InMove staff, participants, programs and services. InMove assists people when they exit the service and provides them with sufficient information on how to re-enter the service if/and/or when required

XIII.         InMove values feedback from people who use its service and will provide access to Complaints and Compliments processes to help inform and improve service access for others.

XIV.         Please contact admin@inmove.com.au for more information.


Service Delivery Privacy and Confidentiality

InMove respects the confidentiality and privacy of all persons and takes the matter very seriously.

In accordance with relevant legislation all documents of a confidential nature will be stored in an appropriate place for up to 7 years. For access to these please contact admin@inmove.com.au at any time.

Furthermore, InMove will not discuss anything pertaining to a participant with any person unless given express written permission.


Incident Reporting Policy

All incidents will be written and stored for a period of 7 years. Please contact admin@inmove.com.au for a copy of the incident report.


Volunteer Policy

InMove Performing Arts is committed to ensuring that all members of staff including Volunteers are of a high quality. All staff and volunteers will be required to complete relevant checks and training before commencement with InMove.

Please contact admin@inmove.com.au for more information.